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A formal culinary education can open up many doors to a career in the food industry. Here’s how you can get into culinary school.
The path to becoming a chef doesn’t look the same for everyone. Find out where culinary school fits in and why you don’t want to skip this important step.
Find out what you can learn in culinary school, both through the curriculum and the supplemental skills you can pick up as you progress through your program.
Find out what type of culinary degree or diploma is right for you, plus understand the key differences between each program.
Get the King of Chefs email newsletter delivered to your inbox weekly. You'll get everything you need to know about culinary & pastry careers, food entrepreneurship, financing your culinary education, and more.
We’ve compiled a checklist of all of the essential questions into one handy workbook: Career options, academic plans, financing your education, and more.