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Discover blog posts written with Kathleen Ahearn

Kathleen serves as Vice President of Academic Affairs at Escoffier. As an academic leader, she builds strong culinary communities, blending students and faculty to promote ongoing professional development. Her years-long involvement with the American Culinary Federation has included stints as Vice President of the Augusta, GA chapter and Internal Audit Committee Chair.

Value of Culinary Education 13 min read

How You Can Get into Culinary School

A formal culinary education can open up many doors to a career in the food industry. Here’s how you can get into culinary school.

June 30, 2024

Can You Become a Chef Without Going to Culinary School?

The path to becoming a chef doesn’t look the same for everyone. Find out where culinary school fits in and why you don’t want to skip this important step.

June 28, 2024
Value of Culinary Education 10 min read

What Can You Learn in Culinary School?

Find out what you can learn in culinary school, both through the curriculum and the supplemental skills you can pick up as you progress through your program.

June 18, 2024

What Are the Types of Culinary Degrees and Diplomas?

Find out what type of culinary degree or diploma is right for you, plus understand the key differences between each program.

June 13, 2024
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